Running a PDF report that includes a GIF image file in the layout model and using the Oracle Reports parameter "outputimageformat=gif" is causing the report engine to crash and the following error is being displayed:
REP-56048: Engine rwEng-0 crashed., job Id
GIF Image format file not being recognized or is corrupted.
If the original GIF image file is available, then open it with an Image Editor and save it as JPG image format file and then replace the GIF image in the report definition file with the new JPG image format one.
If the original GIF image file is not available, then following steps can be done to retrieve the image from the original report and then save it as JPG image format.
1.Open the report in Reports Builder.
2.Go to Paper Layout where you can see the image.
3.Type on keyboard shift+PrtScn.
4.Open mspaint.exe (Microsoft Paint - Windows Image Editor).
5.Paste the screenshot from step 3 with ctrl+v.
6.Select the image area and do ctrl+c.
7.Open a new mspaint.exe and do ctrl+v and resize image if needed.
8.Save the image as JPG format.
9.Now you can insert the new image in your report to replace the GIF one.
Source : ORacle Metalink Doc ID: 987009.1
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