Thursday, September 16, 2010

Enabling Tracing and Session Information with 10gR2 Enterprise Manager and Forms

By default the formsweb.cfg file is set up with session detail and trace 
logging disabled. In order to enable these features, the formsweb.cfg file in 
the ORACLE_HOME/forms90/server ( ORACLE_HOME/forms/server in 10gR2) directory 
must be modified and the middle-tier restarted.

Change the Configuration File
For session details: 

1) Modify the em_mode parameter to: 

For trace logging:

1) Modify the following parameters:

2) If the allowURLConnections parameter appears in formsweb.cfg, ensure that
   the parameter is set to: 

   The default for allowURLConnections is true, so if it does not appear in the
   formsweb.cfg file, no modifications are required for this parameter.

3) Run a form

4)  From  EM -> Forms Link -> User Sessions

5)  Select Trace Group -> debug

6)  Select a session.

7)  Click the 'Trace ON' button.

8)  Click the 'View Trace Log' Icon to view it.

9.) Now a Login request comes up. 
    (The documentation does not clearly explain 
    to which "administrators" group is being referenced.  Most would assume the
    EM administrator would have access. This is not true. The "administrators"
    group referenced in the documentation relates to JAZN security and not the
    OS or EM.)

    A default "administrators" group is created with a default user and 
    password.  The default username and password is as follows:
    username = admin
    password = welcome

To change the default or create your own users, refer to the 
Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Security Guide or
Java Authentication and Authorization Service Sample.

Restart the Middle Tier

The middle tier must be restarted in order for the changes to the formsweb.cfg
file to take effect. The commands to restart the middle tier: 

1) /bin/emctl stop iasconsole
2) /opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
3) /bin/emctl start iasconsole
4) /opmn/bin/opmnctl startall

Monday, September 6, 2010

Enabling roles in Oracle Forms

create or replace view FRM50_ENABLED_ROLES as
select urp.granted_role role,
sum(distinct decode(rrp.granted_role,
   'ORAFORMS$DBG',1,0)) flag
from  sys.user_role_privs urp, role_role_privs rrp
where urp.granted_role = rrp.role (+)
  and urp.granted_role not like 'ORAFORMS$%'
group by urp.granted_role;

create public synonym FRM50_ENABLED_ROLES for system.FRM50_ENABLED_ROLES;

create role ORAFORMS$OSC;
create role ORAFORMS$DBG;
create role ORAFORMS$BGM; 

grant SELECT on FRM50_ENABLED_ROLES to public;