1. Bring up Application Server Control.
2. Click on the Forms link.
3. Click on the User Sessions link.
4. All that is seen is a an hour glass and no page appears. What should be seen is a page showing information about active forms sessions. Information such as Process ID, CPU Usage, Memory Usage, IP Address, etc.
5. The following tests help identify the problem area:
Test 1
1. Ensure that em_mode is set to one (1) in the formsweb.cfg
2. Run a couple of instances of the test form -> http://machine.domain:port/forms/frmservlet
and ensure the test form comes up.
3. Go to your MIDDLE_TIER_HOME\sysman\admin\scripts and make a backup copy of this file:
4. Now, rename ..\ to something else, say
5. Now click on the 'User Session' link and note if you see any different behavior.
Note: What you should normally see is the 'User Session' page that shows Process ID, CPU Usage,
IP Address, etc but you would not see any session data because is what provides the
session info data to the page.
6. Rename to it's original name ->
Test 2.
This test is to determine if a perl script can be run on your machine as this is needed to
gather the forms 'User Session' data.
1. Ensure you have accomplished steps 1 & 2 from Test 1.
2. Open a command prompt on the middle_tier machine.
3. Set the oracle home. For example, if the middle tier home is 'D:\mid_1012' then issue this
set oracle_home=d:\mid_1012
4. Issue the following command to move to the perl directory:
cd %oracle_home%\perl\5.6.1\bin\MSWin32-x86
6. Now issue this command and note the results: (this is the script that ASC calls to
show forms data)
perl %ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\admin\scripts\ %ORACLE_HOME%\sysman\admin\scripts %ORACLE_HOME%
After a few seconds, depress the 'Enter' key and you may see the message ->
'The system cannot find the path specified'
However, after a few seconds Forms session info should scroll on the screen. If it doesn't you may get an error like the following ->
"cannot connect to Interix subsystem" (This is an indication of the problem)
In this case the installation/configuration of the UNIX Interix subsystem is preventing the necessary Forms perl script ( from running.
Assuming that the error message "cannot connect to Interix subsystem" occurred when running Test 2 then de-install the UNIX Interix subsystem.
If an error message related to a different 3rd part software product occurred in Test 2 then de-install it.